My Craft Fair Survival Kit Craft Fairs 15 Mar Written By Kitsch and Stitch To any craft fair, I always take with me a small kit of essential items: my survival kit! What's in your craft fair survival kit? Please tell me in the comments, I'd love to know! x CraftCraft DisplayCraft fairCraft fair tipsHandmade jewellerysurvival kitsThe Little Red Hen Jewellery
My Craft Fair Survival Kit Craft Fairs 15 Mar Written By Kitsch and Stitch To any craft fair, I always take with me a small kit of essential items: my survival kit! What's in your craft fair survival kit? Please tell me in the comments, I'd love to know! x CraftCraft DisplayCraft fairCraft fair tipsHandmade jewellerysurvival kitsThe Little Red Hen Jewellery